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(Mitered Square) Wednesday (2/7)

(This is the free knitting pattern/free version of the available .PDF.)

(Project 1/7, Friday Night Dishcloth, can be viewed here. These are absolutely not going live on the days you’d expect them to. Some might, but it definitely won’t be consistent.)

Knit a minimalist mitered square dishcloth! If you’re new to mitered squares, this could be a low-stakes introduction before you take on a multisquare project. If you just like dishcloths but not fussy ones, this is also a good project for you, unless you don’t enjoy knitting them, in which case, it’s not.

This post includes the complete instructions to help you knit a square-shaped dishcloth (or several) of your own. This free pattern is for personal use. You can purchase a paid copy if you’d like to have a downloadable .PDF version in your Ravelry library.


  • 90 yards of dk or sportweight cotton
  • 1 16” circular needle in US4-5/3.25-3.75mm, or size needed for gauge.  
  • Tapestry needle
  • 4-5 removable stitch markers.

Gauge is 20 sts and 36 rows over 4”/10cm of garter stitch, worked flat and blocked. 

m1l/r—make one left, make one right; a single-stitch increase. 
mst—marked stitch 
pm—place marker (between sts)
psso—pass slipped stitch overRS/WS—right side, wrong side.  s2kpo—slip two, knit next st, pass previous two over. 
s2kpo—slip two, knit next st, pass previous two over.
sl1–slip one. Stitches are generally slipped purlwise unless otherwise specified. 

As shown, this dishcloth measures 9.25″/23cm by 9.25″/23cm square. 


Begin Work: 
Using the crochet cast-on method, cast on 35 sts, pm, CO 34 sts, for a total of 69 sts.  

Work flat. 

Row 1 (RS). sl1, k to end of row. When you reach the stitch marker, flip it onto the next st (the 35th st). This marks the middle of the mitered square. 
Row 2. sl1, k33, p1, k34. 
Row 3. sl1, k to 1 before mst, s2kpo, k to end of row (2 sts dec) 67 sts total. 
Row 4. sl1, k to mst, p1, k to end of row. 

Repeat Rows 3 & 4 until you have 5 sts left. 
End with a Row 4. 

Row 5. sl1, s2kpo, psso, k1, pass previous st over. 

With this row, you’ve bound off those last 5 sts—but don’t break the yarn! Leave the last bind-off loop/stitch on the needle, and pick up stitches all around the square. 

Picking Up Stitches. 
Start from the working yarn, and work from right to left—the usual direction of knitting (for most). 

Pick up 33 stitches from the WS, working from right to left down the first selvedge side of your mitered square. With the last live loop added, this will give you 34 sts on this side. 

As you pick up stitches, mark the first st on each side. Start by marking the last live loop left over from the bindoff. These marked stitches help create the corners, but I’ll also mention stitch marker placement in the first round line instructions in case this seems confusing.

Pick up 34 sts along the first cast-on edge-side 

Then pick up 34 sts from the next cast-on edge-side.  

Finally, pick up 34 sts from the last selvedge-stitch side. 

You now have 136 sts total, and work continues in the round. 

Work in the Round. 
Round 1. [k1, p33] around. Place removable markers on all the knit stitches; they’ll be referred to later as marked stitches. 
Round 2. [k1, m1l, k to next mst, m1r] around (8 sts inc) 144 sts total. 
Round 3. [k1, p to next mst] around. 

Repeat Rows 2 & 3 one more time, and then work Round 2 again. 

Bind Off. 
Bind off using basic method: k1, *k next st, pass previous st over,* repeat *…* until all sts have been bound off. 

Break yarn, weave in ends, and block, if desired. Your project is complete!